Why StackOverFlow hates Ruby and Loves C#

· 241 words · 2 minute read

No wonder why stackoverflow folks decide to go with C#, the answer is simple because C# is going to make lot of money for them :) and it works really hard for them.

If you are interested in economics of programming languages with StackOverFlow, you are going to find this one amusing.

An hour back, just out of curiosity I thought of checking out popularity of programming languages on stackoverflow. I was looking for simple representative figures to compare engagement value of programming lanugages on stackoverflow. The simplest I could think of was ‘Number of Questions tagged to each language’. I chose four languages:

  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Java
  • C#

For the simplcity, let assume that each question for a language asked on Stackoverflow generates 1 USD (I know in the long run, value of each question will be way over 1USD as it will increase over time…but lets keep it 1 USD fixed), then here are some interesting economics that each programming language creates for StackOverFlow.

1. Dollars earned so far from the four languages:  poor ruby :)


2. Dollars earned this Month: poorer ruby :)


3. Dollars earned this this week: somebody save ruby :)


On the serious note, the stats for all the four languages are interesting and puzzled me when I tried to draw some logic out of them. Oh yes, the money graphs were made using the ‘Piles of Samples’ visualization from Google. You can reach me @sunil